articles & writing
How The Sardine Became a Portuguese National Icon
This humble tinned fish has made a big splash in Portugal and beyond.
A rustic galette is just as impressive — and far easier.
Think pies are too fussy? A rustic galette is just as impressive — and far easier. Plus recipes for three galettes to inspire your fall baking.
Why No Russian Easter Is Complete Without Kulich
Paired with a similarly sweetened and flavored cheese called paskha, this yeast-risen bread presides at the center of a long-awaited holiday feast unparalleled in its decadence and richness.
Everything You Need to Know About Khachapuri
Repeat after me. Hatch-ah-POO-ree. Khachapuri. If you haven’t heard of Georgia’s national dish—a cheese-carb wonder that has taken the internet by storm—consider this your lucky introduction.
More writing and recipes
Why We Cook
– “Dedakatsi”
Rage Baking
– “Despite It All”
How the Sardine Became a Portuguese National Icon
I Lost the Use of My Most Important Kitchen Tool: My Hand. The Only Way Forward Was to Keep Cooking
Washington Post
Think Pies are Too Fussy? A Rustic Galette is Just as Impressive—and Much Easier
Washington Post
Ease Up on the Sugar, It’s Time to Start Treating Rhubarb Like the Vegetable It Really Is
Washington Post
One Dough Can Deliver Cookies to Match Everyone’s Tastes
Washington Post
Meet Ratatouille’s Fiery Cousin
Washington Post
Washington State Cheesemaking Is on The Rise
Seattle Magazine
A Happy Holiday Feast
culture magazine
5 Cheesy Hand Pies to Try this Autumn
culture magazine
Everything You Need to Know about Khachapuri
culture magazine
Twenty Paces Farm: The ‘Newe’ Guys in Town
culture magazine
Why No Russian Easter is Complete without Kulich
The Kitchn
10 Kitchen Skills I’ve Relearned Since Losing my Left Hand
The Kitchn
‘Hoos Cooking for the Holidays
Virginia Magazine